Anu, Bēl, y Ea


ANU: He was one of the oldest gods in the Sumerian pantheon, and was part of a triad of great gods, along with Enlil, god of the air and atmosphere, and Enki (also known, in Akkadian, as Ea), god of the earth or of the foundations". He was considered to be the father and first king of the gods.

BEL: (Heb. Bêl, “lord [owner]”; acc. Bêlu [related to the Heb. ba’al, “lord”]). Popular name of Marduk (Merodach*), the chief god of the Babylonians (Jer 50:2). Originally Marduk was no more than a local Babylonian god, but in the time of Hammurabi he rose to prominence when Babylon became the capital of the empire. From that time on he was considered the chief of all the Babylonian gods, surpassing in excellence even his father, Ea.

EA: (also known as Enki, Enkig, Nudimmud, Ninsiku) was the Sumerian god of wisdom, fresh water, intelligence, cunning-mischief, crafts, magic, exorcism, healing, creation, virility , fertility and art. Iconography depicts him as a bearded man wearing a horned headdress and long robe as he ascends the Mountain of Dawn.


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